
South Africa


I was at a friend’s house, paging through “Annie Liebovitz at Work,” in which the photographer recounts details of famous shoots. I was struck by this passage of a visit Liebovitz took to Apartheid South Africa in 1975 to photograph Arnold Schwarzenegger, in the country to compete for Mr Olympia. (The picture above is not […]

The land question

Once you get pass Julius Malema’s ramblings or the fact that whites play the victim card so well, it is easy to forget who the real victims of the new South Africa are. Land is one way to find out. As political scientist Allison Drew recently reported in an analysis of political developments in South […]

Re: Julius Malema

[youtube=] By now you’ve seen some version of this footage–in this case from a South African TV channel, ETV–of the events earlier today when Julius Malema, the leader of the ANC’s Youth League, kicked a BBC journalist, Jonah Fisher, out of an ANC YL press conference for interrupting him. Malema was there to talk about […]

Eugene Terreblanche is Dead

The murder of  South African white supremacist leader, Eugene Terreblanche, over the weekend, will surely be exploited in the next few days. (Terreblanche was beaten and hacked to death by workers on his farm on Saturday who, according to reports, had “argued with him over unpaid wages.” Terreblanche had a violent history himself, including spending […]

The Vuvuzela in the Room

Celebrating the World Cup does not mean we can’t ask hard questions . No, not that the annoying vuvuzelas are banned, but that thousands of informal traders will lose income because of Fifa-imposed “exclusion zones” around stadiums which permit only approved businesses, that street children are forcibly removed from Durban’s city centre, and in Cape […]