
25 Articles by:

Brett Davidson

Brett Davidson is former director of the Media and Narratives Division of OSF's Public Health Program.


Gay Shame in Johannesburg

The confrontation at Johannesburg Pride between white organizers and a group of black activists demanding Pride honor those killed, mostly black, for their sexuality, in South Africa.

Her Zimbabwe

As the number of active female bloggers has increased, so too has the level of discourse around the dynamism and contradictions of life as a Zimbabwean woman.

Cyberpunk Thriller

Zoo City is set in an alternate Johannesburg, where criminals or those who have serious moral failings, get landed with an animal familiar as a permanent attachment.

Save the Museum (in Uganda)

Just about this time last year, Uganda lost a priceless part of its cultural heritage when the Kasubi Tombs were burnt down. The tombs were a UNESCO World Heritage Site and were built in 1882 - the burial place of four Buganda kings. Now it seems another cultural site faces destruction. Global Voices reports on a campaign in Uganda to save the Uganda Museum, founded in 1908. Apparently the ministry of Tourism, Trade and Industry plans to build a 60-storey office building on the site (I wonder whether there were many fights between the Tourism and the Trade and Industry factions over that one). Not only does the museum house some important exhibits, but according to the Facebook page set up by the Save the Museum Campaign, it's the oldest museum in Eastern Africa.--Brett Davidson