Football is Politics in Nigeria
Nigeria is a serial offender at so many things, and the shenanigans in Nigerian football is consistent with its bad behavior.
17 Articles by:
Cheta Nwanze is a Nigerian journalist and policy analyst.
Nigeria is a serial offender at so many things, and the shenanigans in Nigerian football is consistent with its bad behavior.
There are no records of when the first official football match was played in Nigeria, but it started in the 1920s.
American style democracy will only throw up more more leaders like Goodluck Jonathan.
For those who want Nigeria to balkanize, try being a small, ineffectual African country.
Each year more babies are born in Nigeria than in the entire continent of Europe.
The Royal Niger Company and the founding of what became Nigeria.
Asides from a few isolated cases, Nigeria’s police force was never really an investigating force.
This is currently Boko Haram’s structure: a cellular structure, and no centralized command, and seemingly no unity of purpose.
A public service as a response to Nigeria’s removal of history from its school curriculum
Today’s post is about economic systems, the World Bank and the IMF, and whether they have they helped Nigeria or not.
Comparisons between Chinua Achebe and Nigeria’s other great writer, Wole Soyinka, will increase, now Achebe has passed.
Why Goodluck Jonathan’s presidential pardons are a bad idea.
The problem with so many Twitter crowd members is they live in their comfort zone and are not about to lift a finger to get out of there.
Nigerian coach Stephen Keshi’s decision to resign one day after winning AFCON is a metaphor for the current political climate in Nigeria.
It is appropriate that Stephen Keshi, an African champion with Nigeria in 1994, coached the team to victory in South Africa.
The job of Nigeria’s men national team is one of the worst places to be on the planet. So, when the team wins, we all celebrate.