Black Tunisians breaking taboos
Tunisia’s denial of its African identity persists today. Black Tunisians are fighting to change that.
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Lina Benabdallah is an assistant professor of politics and international affairs at Wake Forest University.
Tunisia’s denial of its African identity persists today. Black Tunisians are fighting to change that.
In the 1970s, Algiers served as refuge to African Americans who confronted US racism with force and had to flee the country. Some Panthers hijacked planes.
President Emmanuel Macron’s apology to Algerians over French colonialism us about presidential elections in France.
The film ‘Guangzhou Dream Factory” is a rich account of the complexities of living in China as an African migrant.
One of the main challenge for the continent remain: there is a lack of consensus in terms of African strategies towards India, the US, or China.
When are African states establishing joint military bases to secure trade routes or fight off piracy instead of diversifying the source of foreign influence on their territories?