Feminism, religion and culture in Senegal
Islam is interpreted to establish the dominance of men, and this male supremacy is at the root of all our problems.
24 Articles by:
Oumar Ba is a member of Africa is a Country's editorial board and on the political science faculty at Morehouse College.
Islam is interpreted to establish the dominance of men, and this male supremacy is at the root of all our problems.
Au crépuscule du règne de Ouattara en Côte d’Ivoire.
The French philosopher and TV personality favors spectacle over analysis. The result: we don’t make sense of political violence in Nigeria.
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On the eve of Baaba Maal’s first New York City concert in 8 years, Oumar Ba interviews him, asking about protest movements, the music business and Senegal.
The United States’ support for “strong man rule” in Africa, if President Yoweri Museveni’s recipe for longevity in Uganda.
Should Africans care for French President Emmanuel Macron’s “Africa Speech” in Ouagadougou?
The 24th edition of the New York African Film Festival put Senegal in the spotlight, featuring five short films from there.
The Central African Republic has become shorthand for “failed postcolonial African state,” basically the prototype of a country in permanent crisis.
Why is South Africa withdrawing from the International Criminal Court? And why now? And what does it mean for African states’ participation in the court.
The highlights of the 2016 Rio Olympics, including why Kenyan athletes were not wearing matching outfits at the opening ceremony.
Why is the United States, not a signatory to the Rome Statute, defending the honor of the International Criminal Court?
The implications of the ICC dropping the cases against Kenya’s deputy president William Ruto and former journalist Joshua Arap Sang.
Staying updated on the only permanent international court that prosecute individuals for crimes of genocide, aggression, against humanity and war crimes.
How can international advocacy movements be self-reflective and accountable to the people on whose behalf they speak?
A list of articles to read, twitter accounts to follow, blogs to bookmarked to make sense of the ever evolving situation in Burkina Faso.