Pandemic in the city
How African immigrants in New York City’s Manhattan borough coped with the COVID-19 pandemic.
How African immigrants in New York City’s Manhattan borough coped with the COVID-19 pandemic.
In 1973, Senegalese activist and artist Omar Blondin Diop died in a Senegalese prison. His life helps reveal what revolutionary politics look like in a neocolonial state.
Maisha ya mwanaharakati na msanii wa Senegal Omar Blondin Diop yatasaidia kutoa mtazamo wa jinsi siasa za kiukombozi zilivyo katika ukoloni mamboleo.
Are we capable of rediscovering that each of us belongs to the same species, that we have an indivisible bond with all life?
Police violence, racism and the connections between Minneapolis in the United States and Cape Town, South Africa.
African intellectuals are calling for a different discussion. Isn’t this the right time to propel changes that have often been postponed?
Iniciam nosso projecto sobre o capitalismo em Nairobi, perguntando: Será que já não existe um salário decente?
Tunaanza uchambuzi wetu kuhusu ubepari jijini Nairobi tukiuliza: Je, kuna kitu kama mshahara mzuri siku hizi?
We start our project on capitalism in Nairobi by asking: Is there such a thing as a decent wage anymore?
What exactly did South Africa’s government do with the time they gained through the two-month COVID-19 lockdown, except to brutalize its people?
The ghosts of our past mercilessly haunt our present.
Why are South Africans not in the streets against police brutality like Americans are? It has less to do with the internet or middle classes. South Africans are captured by punitive logics. Break that.
Once you've exhausted all the Negritude quotes, you have to confront the fact that Leopold Sedar Senghor ran Senegal as a repressive, one-party state.
The misguided rhetoric of Tanzanian President John Magufuli guides the country's response to COVID-19.
A series of social and political interventions are required to bring down Kenya’s startling teenage pregnancy statistics.
In an agreement between the EU and African countries, refugees held at sea in the Mediterranean cannot claim rights to asylum. They are forever in limbo.
What happened to the once universally accepted idea of healthcare for all?
Sugar has become the new gold in Tanzania as prices for the commodity soar and stocks vanish.
If COVID-19 teaches us anything, it is that the virus has no boundaries, and the well-being of both rich and poor are co-dependent. What we do about that matters.
Police violence and the murder of black people in the United States have provoked outrage and protest around the world, including on the continent. But, why is there so little outrage over police violence in African countries?