

In the Name of Africa

For the first time in history, a former head of an African state, Hissene Habre of Chad, will stand trial in Africa, before an internationalized tribunal. In Senegal.

Christmas Day*

UPDATED: So there you have it. After 120 minutes and a great goal by Mario Goetze (whose name will now be part of German lore like Gert Muller and Andreas Brehme), Germany are World champions. It’s been a magical month. But it is also basically the last time (till the next World Cup in four years) […]

The “wisdoms” of Akon

When the Senegalese-American singer Akon is not claiming to provide electricity around the continent, he gives interviews. The latest, to Larry King, is a train wreck because of Akon's reactionary's views. For those in the know, this is peak Akon.

Homophobia in Senegal

While there is no Wolof word for “lesbian,” there are multiple words for the practice of a woman having sex with a woman, or a man having sex with a man.